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Emily Teague

Since my teens I have been interested in the spiritual side of life. Spending a lot of my late teens and early twenties travelling the world as a massage therapist, both back packing and as therapist on board cruise ships. I always felt very different, I struggled with shyness and had a hunger to learn/ ask questions and do anything but follow the rules.


It was while I was travelling that I realised my spiritual gifts, healing and mediumship abilities. I began to read many empowering books like Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Wayne Dyer and Brian Weiss. I felt compelled to share my new found knowledge with clients and friends!


At just age 19, I realised that not only did I relax my clients muscles through massage, I found that I could use my intuition to connect with them on a deep emotional level. I would give them advice on how to love themselves and improve their lives and a lot of the time I didn’t even know where this knowledge was coming from. I loved that they left my therapy room, relaxed, invigorated and even empowered! It fed my Soul and still does today!


I have since studied as a Spiritual counsellor and Holistic life coach at the prestigious Holistic Healing College, London. Also gone on to be a fledgling medium, learn Energy healing, Soul plan reading, Fertility massage, Womb healing, Matrix reimprinting and EFT. Now with numerous years of life lessons and experience; Including 3 beautiful daughters, I have learnt personally from many of life’s ups and downs….



My passion is empowering change in others and giving my clients wings!

I am a leading therapist in ” Intuitive soul support”. An intuitive blend of tools from my box of holistic therapies act as catalysts for releasing past traumas.


These can be held in the body from traumatic events and even childhood memories.

My aim is to free my clients of the limiting beliefs that hold us all back, so that we can start living life to our fullest potential!


We are all here on purpose with a purpose, I can help you uncover yours!


I specialise in and offer to my clients, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Powerful meditations for healing trauma, Spiritual/ Intuitive Counselling, Spiritual healing/ Energy healing/ Holistic Life Coaching also physic, mediumship and Soul Plan Readings.


I also work with the womb, offering womb healing/ womb trauma release massage and fertility massage. I have helped many ladies to conceive when they were told it was impossible.


Now with numerous years of life lessons and experience; Including 3 beautiful daughters, I have learnt personally from many of life’s ups and downs and recovered from anxiety and Post natal depression myself. I have practiced my therapies with clients for over 13 years and feel that I am a more experienced and compassionate therapist than ever before.


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